
70.Establish a schedule: The very first step to housebreaking your puppy is to establish a schedule. It is critical to stay as close to the same times every day until your puppy has fully understood the concept you are teaching him.The tighter you remain on schedule, the faster the puppy will develop a rhythm and internal time clock for his own schedule.

71.Create a working schedule around the rhythms of the household. Puppies should be fed three times a day unless work schedules prohibit. Start your schedule when the household wakes, and begin with an immediate elimination break. Once a puppy is awake he won’t wait long to eliminate.

72.Write this schedule down and post it in a prominent place.If more than one person is caring for the puppy, make sure schedule responsibilities are understood and followed by all participating. A unified family can ensure the success of your housebreaking venture!

Cue Words

73.Direction Cue. When going to the door, choose a word like OUTSIDE to direct the first part of her task. OUTSIDE will let her know where you are going, and by using the next cue word (the elimination cue word), she will link the two words with the process.

74.OUTSIDE will become a question you will later ask her if you suspect she may need to go outside. If you’ve successfully linked OUTSIDE with HURRY UP (or the elimination cue word), she will quickly run to the door in answer to your question if she needs an elimination break.

75.Elimination Cue. Use another specific cue like HURRY UP or POTTY to indicate that you wish her to eliminate.This word can be linked easily with the first potty break of the morning since most puppies need to eliminate first thing in the morning.

76.Cue words can become gentle coaxes when you know your puppy needs to eliminate but is perhaps becoming distracted in the yard. Repeating the cue HURRY UP in a coaxing voice can refocus her on the job at hand.

77.Some people choose to pick one cue word for urination and one for defecation. You have to time the cue word with the action quite a few times successfully so your puppy can make the link between the action and the words. Sometimes it’s easier to use one word or phrase for both actions

 Start the housebreaking cycle by bringing your puppy out of the crate. Carry or walk your puppy immediately outside. Using a leash, walk your puppy over to the desired elimination area. Gently, but encouragingly, repeat your cue word. Once your puppy has eliminated, praise in a gentle tone “Good potty,” and return inside the house. Wait only three to four minutes for your puppy to eliminate. If it takes longer than this, she probably does not need to eliminate or is distracted. Return inside and wait five minutes and repeat the process. (If your puppy tends to eliminate indoors during this waiting period, crate her for a few minutes or keep her on a short leash with you to avoid these accidents.) Once inside, offer breakfast and some water. When your puppy finishes, take her outside for another elimination break. In this morning routine, your puppy should both urinate and defecate.

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