Tethering or "Posting"

50.The “canine umbilical cord”: If you need to fold laundry or do the dishes and you wish to have your puppy with you rather than crated, tether her to a table leg or tie the leash around your waist or belt. Keeping your puppy tethered in the room with you will keep a “boundary” in place and keep her in your visual field. Be sure the object you tether your puppy to is something heavy, like a bedpost, sofa, or heavy dresser, so your dog can’t move the object or pull it over and injure herself.

51.Only tether your puppy while she’s wearing a flat, material collar. Never tether a dog while she’s wearing any sort of training collar. It helps if your puppy’s material collar has a quick-release latch in case she gets tangled. Never use a choker chain or prong collar for tethering, and never tether your puppy unattended or for long periods without supervision.

52.You may want to have several tethers already set up around your house. Pick the most used rooms like your bedroom, office, and living room. Have a tether already set up in each room so that you can easily hook your puppy up to it as you move around the house with her.

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